Daily Digest:
w/c 22 July - Macro focus on global Flash PMI Wednesday, US GDP and Durable Goods Thursday, US PCE Friday. Earnings spotlight on Alphabet and Tesla on Tuesday


EURAUD Currency pair flag

EUR/AUD – Live and Historical Rates

Not considered a major pair, the EUR/AUD is the pairing of geographically very disparate currencies. Unlike the EUR, the AUD is generally considered a commodity currency which has followed the ups and downs of the US dollar more than the Euro.

The above chart illustrates the amount of AUD needed to purchase a EUR.


The Euro is the official currency of the currency union known as the eurozone. The eurozone consists of 19 countries, and – though some of the 8 remaining EU countries are bound by treaty to join it – it isn’t likely to expand in the near future.

Obviously boosted by Germany’s massive economical output and trade surplus, the EUR is used by some 337 million Europeans. Unfortunately, due to economic disparities within the eurozone, the currency has been sailing troubled waters lately. Despite that, it is the world’s second largest reserve currency, as well as the second most traded currency behind the USD. The entity controlling the EUR is the ECB (European Central Bank).


The Australian Dollar is a commodity currency with a unique exposure to the Asian markets. For that reason, it is a popular vehicle for Fx traders interested in diversification. Introduced in 1966, the AUD has been taken off the GBP peg in 1971. The financial authority controlling the AUD is the RBA (Reserve Bank of Australia). The Australian economy is based on the export of commodities, hence the “commodity currency” designation of the AUD.

EURAUD Analysis

While the Euro is a major currency and the Australian Dollar is among the most traded currencies as well, the pair isn’t considered  a major due to its low trading volumes. Given the stability of both currencies involved, the pair isn’t a popular one for carry trades either.

See more forex charts for the major currencies

EUR AUD Currency Converter

Other major currency pairs

BUY - rate is expected to increase, i.e. the first currency gains value against the second currency.
SELL - rate is expected to go down, i.e. the first currency is expected to lose value against the second currency.