Daily Digest:
w/c 22 July - Macro focus on global Flash PMI Wednesday, US GDP and Durable Goods Thursday, US PCE Friday. Earnings spotlight on Alphabet and Tesla on Tuesday

Economic Calendar

What is an economic calendar? Whether you trade indexes or forex you need to consider macroeconomic data for your fundamental analysis. Macroeconomic data can be well known things things, such as interest rates, GDP, inflation, unemployment rates but also less known such as factory orders, housing finance, retail sales, bank lending, machinery orders, industrial output and many more. All this data is updated at different points in time. An economic calendar will give you an excellent view on when all these different numbers are updated and released. The markets will generally move the most before and right after new data is presented. You as a trader will decide, in your trade strategy, what fundamental data that is important for your trade positions and then you need to act when updates of that data is released. Therefore you need to stay on top of the economic calendar to know when to be prepared to act. Have your strategy prepared for every upcoming week with our calendar below.

About our economic calendar

Our real-time economic forex calendar is updated 24 hours a day and covers upcoming financial events and indicators across the globe. The calendar will automatically update when new data is released. You can filter events by geography to get a better overview of data that is relevant to you. Do as the professional traders and prepare for each week’s market action. Use our calendar to get a better perspective on forex news events that could affect your trading strategy. And check back daily to stay informed when economic data indicators change, which they will do. And remember, if you both prepare beforehand and stay informed daily your chances of trading success will greatly improve.

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