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What is a Trading Strategy and How Do You Develop One?

Welcome to the dynamic world of trading! This can be the start of your trading journey, which can provide hefty rewards, but also heavy risk and pitfalls. But fear not, success in trading often begins with one crucial element, a well-crafted trading strategy.

If you were to go on a road trip without a map or GPS you’d likely end up lost and frustrated, right? Similarly, in the world of financial markets, a trading strategy acts as your guiding map. It provides direction, reduces uncertainty, and enhances your chances of reaching your desired trading destinations.

This article will break down trading strategies into simple terms, allowing even complete beginners to grasp the concepts and start their trading journey. Different types of trading strategy will be delved into and we will help you develop your own strategy that fits your trading needs and goals.

  • Understanding Trading Strategies
  • Types of Trading Strategies
  • Components of a Trading Strategy
  • Developing Your Own Trading Strategy
  • Backtesting and Paper Trading
  • Implementing Your Strategy
  • Continuous Improvement
  • Common Pitfalls to Avoid
  • Finals Thoughts

Understanding Trading Strategies

What is a Trading Strategy?

The best way for beginners to think about a trading strategy is simply as a well thought-out plan that outlines the details of how you will make trading decisions. It is much like a roadmap, but manages your risk along with when and how much to buy and sell. If you do not use a trading strategy you can lose track of your goals and capital fast, and you may be left with unsatisfying results.

The Role of a Trading Strategy

Why is having a trading strategy so crucial? Well, it serves several vital purposes. Firstly, it helps you define your trading objectives. Are you aiming for short-term gains or long-term wealth accumulation? Your strategy will reflect your goals. Secondly, it provides structure and discipline, keeping emotions in check—a common pitfall for many traders. Finally, a good strategy can help you manage risk, protecting your capital when markets get turbulent.

Why Beginner Traders Need a Strategy

Many beginner traders think they will start in the markets by “winging it” and simply working it out as they go. This approach has undoubtedly worked for some in the past, but for the best, consistent results a trading strategy is always advisable. It will be able to cut out many of the costly mistakes that freelancing will bring and acts as a safety net to help you navigate the complexities of the market. It’s your shield against impulsive decisions and financial setbacks.

Types of Trading Strategies

In the vast world of trading, various strategies cater to different trading styles and goals. We will now cover some of the most popular strategies:

Day Trading

Day traders aim to profit from short-term price movements within a single trading day. They open and close positions within hours or even minutes. It requires a keen eye, quick decision-making and the ability to react swiftly to market changes. There are many different day trader platforms to be explored.

Swing Trading

Swing traders, on the other hand, hold positions for a few days or weeks to capitalise on intermediate price swings. This style offers a bit more flexibility than day trading but still requires timely decision-making.

Position Trading

Position traders have a long-term perspective, often holding positions for weeks, months, or even years. They focus on fundamental analysis and tend to ride out market fluctuations.

Algorithmic Trading

Algorithmic traders use computer programs and algorithms to execute trades automatically. This approach requires advanced technical knowledge but can be highly efficient.

There are of course positives and negatives to each trading style. The choice between them will depend on each individual’s personality, risk tolerance and time commitment. For new traders it is extremely important they understand these strategies before diving into trades. 

Components of a Trading Strategy

Trading strategies will not be the same for everyone and there is not simply an ‘ideal’ strategy that everyone should follow. The key elements of a trading strategy are:

Risk Management

Managing risk is paramount in trading. Your strategy should define how much of your capital you’re willing to risk on each trade and set stop-loss orders to limit potential losses. Remember, protecting your capital is as important as making profits.

Entry and Exit Signals

Your strategy needs clear criteria for entering and exiting trades. These signals can be based on technical analysis (such as moving averages or candlestick patterns) or fundamental factors (like economic news releases). Your chosen approach should align with your trading style.

Timeframes and Charts

Selecting the right time frame and chart type is crucial. Day traders might prefer minute charts, while position traders might use daily or weekly charts. Each timeframe provides a different perspective on price movements, so choose one that suits your strategy.

Market Analysis

Your strategy should specify how you’ll analyse the market. Will you focus on technical analysis, studying price charts and indicators? Or will you emphasise fundamental analysis, considering economic events and news? Combining both can provide a well-rounded view.

Developing Your Own Trading Strategy

You should now understand the components that go into a trading strategy, so it is time to create your own:

Define Your Trading Goals: What do you want to achieve? Define clear, measurable goals. Are you aiming for daily income, long-term wealth, or somewhere in between?

Assess Your Risk Tolerance: Be honest with yourself about how much risk you can handle. Your strategy should align with your comfort level.

Choose Your Preferred Trading Style: Based on your goals and risk tolerance, decide on your trading style. Are you more inclined towards day trading, swing trading, or a longer-term approach?

Select Suitable Financial Instruments: Determine which assets you want to trade, such as stocks, forex, cryptocurrencies, or commodities. Different markets have different dynamics.

Analyse and Refine Your Strategy: Develop a detailed plan that includes risk management rules, entry and exit criteria, and indicators. Test it on historical data through backtesting to see how it would have performed. Be prepared to make adjustments based on the results.

Backtesting and Paper Trading


Before risking real money, it’s essential to backtest your strategy using historical data. This process involves applying your trading rules to past price movements to evaluate its performance. It helps you identify potential flaws and refine your strategy.

Paper Trading

Once you’re satisfied with your backtesting results, practise your strategy in a risk-free environment known as paper trading. This allows you to simulate real trades without using actual capital. It’s a valuable way to gain confidence and refine your execution.

Remember, developing a trading strategy is an ongoing process. You’ll likely need to tweak and adjust it as you gain experience and market conditions change. The journey of a trader is one of continuous learning and adaptation.

Implementing Your Strategy

Tips on Live Trading

With your trading strategy developed, it’s time to put it into action with real money. Below are some crucial tips:

  • Stick to Your Plan: Discipline is key. Follow your strategy diligently and avoid impulsive decisions. Emotional trading often leads to losses.
  • Start Small: Begin with a small portion of your capital to minimise risk while you gain confidence in your strategy.
  • Keep a Trading Journal: Record your trades, including reasons for entry and exit. This journal helps you track your progress and learn from your experiences.
  • Stay Informed: Keep up with relevant news and events that could impact your chosen assets. An informed trader is a better trader.

Managing Emotions

Emotions can be your worst enemy in trading. Fear and greed can cloud your judgement. We must learn how best to manage them:

  • Stay Calm: Don’t let emotions drive your decisions. Stick to your plan, even if a trade doesn’t go as expected.
  • Set Realistic Expectations: Understand that losses are part of trading. Not every trade will be a winner. Focus on long-term profitability.
  • Take Breaks: If you’re feeling overwhelmed, step away from the computer. Trading fatigue can lead to poor decisions.

Continuous Improvement

You should look at trading as a continuous learning process that you will never master. To start with follow the basics:

  • Learn from Every Trade: There is a lesson to be learned no matter if the trade was successful or not. Analyse your trades and identify areas for improvement.
  • Adapt to Market Changes: Markets evolve, and so should your strategy. Make sure you are always flexible and willing to adjust to changing conditions.
  • Educate Yourself: The better educated you are the easier it becomes to make informed decisions. Consider further education and training.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid


Overtrading is a common mistake where traders take excessive positions, often fueled by emotions or a desire to recover losses quickly. This can deplete your capital rapidly.

Ignoring Risk Management

Failing to set stop-loss orders or risking too much on a single trade can lead to significant losses. Proper risk management is non-negotiable.

Chasing Losses

Trying to recoup losses by increasing the size of your trades is a dangerous game. It can lead to even more substantial losses.

Lack of Patience

Impatient traders often jump into trades prematurely, deviating from their strategy. Patience is a virtue in trading; waiting for the right setup is key to success.

By understanding and avoiding these common pitfalls, you’ll be better prepared to navigate the challenges of trading.

Trading Strategy, Final Thoughts

Well done on completing your first steps into the world of trading. You’ve learned that a trading strategy is vital for traders to succeed in the fast moving world of financial markets. It provides structure, discipline and a shield against impulsive decisions.

Your journey as a trader has just begun and there’s so much more to explore. You should now start developing your strategy. Put the knowledge you’ve gained into practice and begin crafting your personalised trading strategy based on your goals and risk tolerance. 

Stay curious and keep learning. The world of trading is dynamic and continuous education is the key to staying ahead. Through all this you must remember that discipline is the backbone of successful trading. 

Editor in chief

Steve Miley is the Market Chartist and has 32 years of financial market experience and as a seasoned expert now has many responsibilities. He is the founder, Director and Primary Analyst at The Mar... Continued

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